Doggy Diary

Sorry about the weird URL. It was the only one i could think of at the time of making this blog.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Should we have friends of other races?

I personally feel that it is not necessary to have friends of other races, especially not just for the sake of it. I believe that regardless of race, that person is just another human being, he is in no way inferior or superior than you in anyway. The only difference is their beliefs and physical characteristics, and therefore i feel that we should treat them just like another normal person.
If I can get along with this person of another race very well, i would definitely become his friend, regardless of his race.
I also do not feel that just because you do not have friends of another race, you are considered racist. This is as there are many factors that can affect your decision, for example if you are in an all white school or all black school, you will rarely be able to meet any black or white people respectively. However, it will be racist to knowingly shun people of other races despite them having done nothing hurtful to you.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Picture Description

The city was a bustling and crowded place, with countless people dressed in bright clothing. It was teeming with life everywhere, a relaxed and angelic destination for everyone. That is, before the war tore through the core of the city, now, it was undoubtedly impossible for the city to be restored to its former glory. Completely unrecognizable,It was absolutely barren of of colour , everything was a slab of putrid grey. Devoid of energy, the city resembled a droopy and sick puppy at the brink of its existence, now being merely an empty shell of its former self.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why Chinese Mothers are more Superior

I would like to disagree on the fact that Chinese Mothers are more superior. Firstly, what makes Chinese mothers more "superior" is that their children are considered more successful and usually do much better in school, usually getting A+s for most subjects. In a nutshell, Chinese Mothers are able to do so as they constantly drilling their children with test papers and restricting what they are allowed to, for example, some chinese children are not allowed to:

• attend a sleepover

• have a playdate

• be in a school play

• complain about not being in a school play

• watch TV or play computer games

• choose their own extracurricular activities

• get any grade less than an A

Also, Chinese Parents believe that they now what is good for their children, which causes them to override any of the child's decisions, for example not allowing them to pursue their passion in cooking, basketball etc. and forcing them to study nonstop. Also, some Chinese parents insult their children in order to motivate them, for example Amy Chua states in her article that she called her daughter lazy, cowardly, self-indulgent and pathetic in order to make her work harder.

However, i disapprove of these methods as firstly, not all kids are able to handle the large amount of stress caused by these methods and may eventually break down and resort to foolish acts(running away, suicide etc.) Also, this will cause the children to distance themselves from their parents as they will most likely view their parents as heartless inconsiderate people who do not care at all about their feelings.
There are also many other ways in which a parent is able to motivate their children to work harder, for example praising the child and encouraging the child to work harder, although one should only do so to a certain extent as constantly not forcing your child to work hard can cause him to become lazy and in the end, you would have failed as a parent. To be a successful parent, you have to have good communications with your child and also practice moderation. You should make them work hard but not overdo it while also encouraging and praising your child .

Civil Rights Movement Mindmap

Monday, January 24, 2011

I chose a background of a building which resembles a school as this is where the event usually takes place in reality. This happens quite often in certain schools, whereby a child is judged mainly by his/her appearance and given a stereotype. In this scenario, a black child is thought to be dumb and lazy, which is not necessarily true. I used characters that looked child-like to make it more realistic, as well as a tone that is more casual and more used by kids.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Class Blogging Topic: 20/1

Yes, I personally feel that it is heaps better to have never known something than to have known something and to ultimately lose it later. When one has been experienced something and understands the wonders of it, for example the love and joy that a pet brings or seemingly mundane things like the warmth of the sun, to have that thing taken away would be a very big blow to the person. That person would be deprived of that thing and as he had once remembered how it was when he still had that something, he would constantly be thinking about it and it would bug him very much. For example, if one has been living in the place where there is a Sun constantly shining brightly and providing warmth, but that person is forced to move to another location where there is a lack of sun, he would start to miss the things that the Sun provided and start to yearn for it. Instead, a person who has been constantly living in a location without the Sun would not know how it was like to have a Sun and have no idea about what it was like would not bother about thinking about the Sun, and would not be troubled.
Therefore, I feel that it is better to have never known something than to have known something and to ultimately lose it afterwards.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Class Blogging Topic 19/11

There have been times when I was part of a group project, but yet it felt as if I was not a member of a group. For example, there was once that I had to get into groups of 4 people for an English poster project, but it was the teacher who chose the group members at random. In the group i was in, the other 3 members were coincidentally good friends and constantly chatted among themselves. Not knowing what they were talking about and being a shy person( Long time ago), i felt out of place and slightly lost, thus i decided to ignore them and carry on with the project myself. Most of the project was contributed by me, and the group members hardly participated and only wanted to enjoy each others company. Despite the fact that they did not bully me and annoy me, it was unpleasant having to do the project with them as I did not feel as if i was a part of the group.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Class Blogging Topic: Prejudice

What are some acts of prejudice you know of of?

Firstly, we must understand what prejudice means exactly: it is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand without thought, reason or knowledge.

Acts of prejudice:

1. Biased

2. Racism


4. Stereotyping

5.banning asians from European bars

Teacher's examples:

Avoiding people who are too fat/too thin

Differneces in social backgrounds

Jews during WWII



Looking down on odd job workers

Not seeking western medicine

Malaysian chinese scholars

Not allowing girls to go to school

not listening to children

Weaker children always picked on in school



Prejudiced: Preconceived notion of somebody to judge them usually negatively

Stereotype: Using simplistic way to decide the trait to an entire group

Bias: Tendency to support or oppose a group of people

Discrimination: The act of doing something(could be negative/positive) against people you are biased towards

Stereotype leads to: Bias(support/oppose) leads to: Prejudice leads to: Discrimination
Eg. Negro stereotypes: are poor/low education/criminal behaviour/all bad

A new beginning.

Hello everyone, this is my first post of 2011 and please note that this blog will mainly be used for school purposes. Also, most posts would be formal and would not involve any slangs or random vulgarities.

In this blog post i will be answering a few questions posed by the teacher:
1. What went well last year?
2. What went wrong?
3. What is my target MSG for 2011?
4. How would i achieve this?

1. I was able to complete most of my assignments on time and I handed in my work punctually almost all the time unless I was severely ill or busy. Also, as far as i remember i did not hand up any sloppy work to the teacher and i put in a decent amount of effort into most of my assignments. At worst, the work i handed in was slightly rushed.

2.Quite often i found myself forgetting to update my English Blog and even when i did remember, I would suddenly feel either too lazy or tired to do so. That resulted in highly irregular updates to the blog and ultimately rather low amounts of ace points for that subject.

3. My target MSG for 2011 would be around 1.5 but any MSG below 2.0 would be optimal and will make me very very happy. I would consider this target to be incredibly hard for me to achieve as in the previous year, my MSG was hovering around the 3.2 range and an MSG below 2 is a big jump/drop. I believe that by aiming high, i would be able to motivate myself to work harder and achieve my goal, which is actually to get into the triple science special program.

4.Firstly i would psych myself to be much more determined and hardworking, which i believe could be quite challenging being the lazy person i am. I hope i will be able to alter my habits this year and procrastinate less. I also need to maintain a clear mind and study smart, as studying blindly will rarely bear fruit. ACE is also an important component for me to work in, and i would always try my best to complete as my assignments as possible as to prevent IS from pulling me down.

Thank you for reading!